😊🌟10 Life Lessons I Live by Every Day 😊🌟

    Life is full of highs, lows, and everything in between is what you can take charge of. As I reflect on my journey, I feel grateful for the lessons I’ve learned. These experiences have shaped me, and I want to share 10 of the most important ones with you.

1. Accept Who You Are
I’m an introvert, and for years I thought that was a weakness. But embracing it has helped me to be grateful for the patience and listening skills I have. We’re all unique, and accepting ourselves allows us to use our strengths fully.

2. Embrace the gift of Life
Coming out of a near death experience taught me that the best thing which will last with me forever is my own Breath and Body. I started taking care of it as if it was the best gift ever.

3. Each one of us are here with a Purpose
Each of us has a unique purpose, and discovering it has been transformative for me. Understanding what I can contribute to the world has given me direction and a deeper sense of fulfilment.

4. Your Mind is Powerful
Our thoughts shape our reality. You can either create a Future with your Thoughts or you can sit and Worry about Past with your thoughts. I’ve worked on cultivating a positive mindset after struggling with overthinking, negativity for years because I’ve seen firsthand how a strong mind can improve not just emotional well-being, but physical health too.

5. Know Yourself
I’ve learned that self-awareness is the key to a fulfilling life. When I discovered my true talents, passions and gifts everything else started to align. Life is too short to spend on things that don’t light you up.

6. Heal yourself often
We all carry unconscious wounds from our parents, grandparents and also from own experiences of life that can affect our well-being. I’ve found that regularly addressing and healing these hidden hurts helps me move forward with a clearer mind and a lighter heart.

7. Don’t Expect Perfection

I’ve learned to let go of the expectation that the family or society puts on us that we should be perfect. We’re all constantly growing, and expecting perfection only leads to frustration.

8. Surround Yourself with Positivity
I’ve noticed that the people I spend the most time with influence my energy and mindset. That’s why I choose to be around positive, uplifting individuals who support my growth.

9. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
I used to fall into the trap of comparison, but I’ve realized that everyone’s journey is different. Focusing on my own path has helped me find contentment and purpose.

10. Don’t Let Others Discourage You
Whenever I’ve made bold decisions, I’ve faced criticism. But staying true to myself has always been worth it. People’s doubts shouldn’t stop you from pursuing what feels right to you.



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