Power of Healing


Dear Readers,

    I am back with a new but profound topic of today's tool of well-being, The Power of Healing.

    Back then, I was not much of an advocate for Healing and spiritual practices, maybe because of my own logical and analytical thinking as an Engineer. I almost thought those were the practices meant for therapeutic people who had gone through a horrible past.

    In the last few years, I had been struggling with my own self, unable to figure out what I was really looking for. Deep inside me, I was broken, shattered, and shut myself from any joy, thinking only if I had worked hard now, I would reap fruitful results in the coming years. But soon, I realized too much information was overloaded, and I felt a scarcity within my own wisdom. Deep inside me, I used to talk to myself, "This is not who I want to be". "Why am I so sad?". "Is this life all about "."This is not who I need to be". "Who am I, and what is my calling?"." Why am I here?". I never even knew why I was asking these to myself. Maybe if I had asked this with others, either I would be mocked at  or maybe called CRAZYπŸ˜‚.

    This is when I saw a few of my known tribes were practicing Healing. Since I was already a seeker, I kept my mind open to everything, everyone who could help me. I would reach home from the office and grab my laptop and log in to those healing sessions. The idea behind attending them was just to calm down my office stress and overcome my loneliness.

    This 15-20 mins session would fill me with powerful energy. As if I have just drunk a glass of Glucose which the athletes or sports persons would grab as a quick energy booster. I found myself more connected, more conscious, and calmer than before. I would fill my cup with a lot of positivity and a drive for motivation or to do something more.

    This journey led me to understand Healing on a deeper level. I joined programs which opened doors to many things that we truly seek. I started realizing that the thoughts we carry have patterns, their own neural networks. One thought can provide a network of thousand thoughts. What we see as reality in the physical existence is basically a perspective which we have created in our mind.

    At times, we may believe we're doing fine, yet beneath the surface stays unresolved wounds that have developed over a period of time. These lingering emotional scars can gradually impact various aspects of our lives, including our health, relationships, career, and finances. For example, finding it hard to say NO to certain people could be because we FEAR being ABANDONED or REJECTED, maybe from experiences in our past where our achievements weren't acknowledged. Likewise, struggling to express emotions to a partner might be because we didn't receive enough attention in childhood. Even gaining weight could be a way of coping with buried emotionsπŸ™†. Once we recognize these struggles, it becomes easier to work on them. Difficulty communicating with a manager might come from a fear of not being accepted, which could be linked to feeling neglected or disloyal in earlier relationships.πŸ’

    Many of us silently struggle with internal battles that we want to conquer but keep suppressing it. However, what often goes unnoticed is the profound impact these unresolved emotions can have on our physical well-being. It's crucial to recognize that suppressing these emotions can lead to a range of physical manifestations, including ailments, diseases, or disorders. By acknowledging and addressing these underlying emotional issues, we can take significant steps towards both emotional and physical healing.

Here are the benefits of healing:

1. Experience quick calmness within 10-15 minutes.
2. Improve underlying physical health conditions through consistent practice.
3. Cease ourselves from judgmental, comparison, and jealousy mindsets.
4. Mental issues like Anxiety, Phobias, Depression can have a detrimental effect.
5. Work through and resolve traumatic experiences from your past with regular healing practices.
6. Develop a sense of empowerment, confidence, and self-resilience.
7. Find it easier and more effective to align with your values, beliefs, and desires.
8. Foster stronger connections with others through trust, respect, and improved communication.
9. Relieve body pains instantly without the need for painkillers or medications.
10. Instantly shift from states of anger, frustration, or stress to feelings of calm, peace, and bliss.
11. Enhance decision-making and planning skills through regular practice.

    Healing is not a destination but rather a continuous journey that spans a lifetime. It involves a process of growth, self-discovery, and self-care that evolves over time. I personally believe that all members of a household must be knowledgeable enough to understand and navigate the healing practices. I encourage everyone to learn how to heal themselves. It's a powerful way to make big changes in your life. By practicing self-healing, you can overcome emotional struggles, mental blocks, and physical issues. It involves taking care of yourself, exploring different healing methods, and staying committed to your well-being. With self-healing, you can transform your mindset, behavior, and overall life for the better. It's about taking charge of your own journey and finding what works best for you.

    As we embark on the Healing journey, we start appreciating to lean into vulnerability, embracing our emotions, fears, and hopes. We develop emotions of Kindness, compassion, love, joy, bliss, balance, and harmony.πŸ’“

πŸ’›"Healing is a Life Long Journey where the sooner we embark, the more profound our wisdom becomes."πŸ’›


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