Some scribbles and a Start!!!

  Creating my new blog in the Blogger today. Well, I had a blog in Wordpress, where I use to write a post once in every 15days. Because of some personal commitments, I had to leave it behind as I had some other important tasks to focus on. 

     Had I continued the blog long back, I would have been much confident enough to post something today. But I still believe that "Today, is still not late". Having said this, I am trying to create another blog now considering this as my first post.

Well, I wouldnt be discussing much about me here today as I am quite not sure what would I be posting for. Well, I have few ideas in mind which needs to have a second and  third thoughts before being posted. However, I am just happy to be announcing that I had hit the first step in  the blogging world. Hoping to be a regular blogger  and posting new ideas and thoughts in the coming days and years.

Yours lovingly,



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